What is Duty of Care?  It is best expressed as the responsibility that employers have to put in place reasonable measures to protect employees from harm, whether inside the workplace or on assignment.  Duty of Care obligations of employers towards business travelers are now law in over 50 countries.

With the world changing rapidly, it’s no longer ‘if’, but ‘when?’ and the cost of fixing a ‘mishap’ after the fact can be a lawsuit, a fine, or worse. It will far exceed the one-time costs of putting a company program in place.  Here's how CTM can help.

Safe To Go

For each trip abroad, SafeToGo automates the delivery of pre-trip reading material so that this most important component of duty of care is never forgotten. In case of an unwelcome 'event', it transmits a proof of life request to the traveler. If no answer is received, it sends response instructions and contact information to the assigned personnel. It even connects with third-party monitoring services if you select one, all automatically. This automation not only reduces your costs substantially, it also ensures that there will be no 'drop out' of vital services due to lack of personnel or absenteeism.

Covering only high risk travelers has become a risk for the employer.  The affordability of SafeToGo means that you can now extend your duty-of-care policy to protect all your traveling personnel. 


On-Demand Reporting and Duty of Care

Need to find your travelers?  With CTM Data Management, you can access 'Where Are My Travelers' which allows you to see where your travelers are based on their reserved and ticketed itineraries.  From the initial dashboard screen, users can manipulate, and “slice and dice” data simply, with the click of a mouse.  Functions include (but are not limited to) adding columns, sorting by various items such as Flight Number, Departure City, and Passenger Name,  drill-down, and export functionality via csv or xls.  Additionally, in the Report section, reports can be run for the current date, or future dates of travel. 




Downloadable Resources

Download the CTM Safe-to-Go Brochure

Download the CTM Safe-to-Go w/ SafeZone Presentation

View the Safe to Go Introductory Video




Ready to talk to CTM and start saving? Click here to get in touch with a CTM representative today.


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    Corporate Travel Management, Inc. is a Travel Management Company (TMC), yet our responsiveness and flexibility provides you with the kind of attention that might be more commonly associated with a traditional travel agency.

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